The Dream Goes On …

January and February were blow out months for me. I performed very few trades but still managed a hefty profit to set a new personal record (in consecutive months).

So, to celebrate a great start to 2008, I went out and bought myself a car … my first car in over 8 years, since before my bankruptcy.

my car

This car, my trades and my current status represent goals which I set out to achieve on May 17, 2007, when I attended Patterns of Excellence, (POE) Module 2. (I had attended Mod 1 two months earlier.) Less than a year on, I have achieved almost 80% of what I had set out to achieve. What makes this even more significant for me is that this time last year, I was still bankrupt.

I learned about the power of the Law of Attraction and how it can actually empower you and put you in the right mind to make real, what you set out to achieve. Other empowering lessons I took that help to bring me to this stage in my life include setting your goals, believing in yourself, taking action, visualizing your dreams, language persuasion and influence, building rapport, managing your states, changing your physiology for empowerment, understanding and overcoming your limiting beliefs and much, much more … everything which I do and I am today. On a bigger scale of things, POE has given me the tools to realize a bigger, priceless achievement, one which you cannot put a price tag on … today, I am changing people’s lives and helping them realize their dreams.

For this, I am forever grateful to Adam Khoo and Stuart Tan for their excellent Patterns of Excellence program and to Patrick Cheo for believing in me and giving the opportunity to make the most of myself, for myself.

I meant to write this as a dedication to Adam but it seems to be turning out to be a sell for POE! Hahaha! But in all honesty, I would seriously encourage anyone who takes him/herself seriously, to attend the program because it is a life changing experience that you cannot, should not and must not pass up, if you want to achieve a higher standing in life. Be it in your career, business, personal and family life, this is one program that will make you want more.

And if it has done a world of wonder for me, it will for you too.

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